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TN Dept. of Safety Approved.
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Surprisingly Enjoyable. I expected to be bored and put to sleep. I was wrong. This was a great course. Thank you.

Ben O.

461 Reviews
I was dreading taking defensive driving, but these ladies made it an easy, down to earth experience. I love the shorter videos on each subject. It made going through all the material much easier. Thank you!

Francine M.
Easy. Educational. Engaging. Course is easy to take and keeps your attention. You can even learn something after 40 years of driving.

David L.

Copper Valley Electric Association
Donna and Sharon brought the importance of defensive and distractive driving awareness to our team. CVEA’s team members routinely drive 120 miles between Valdez and Copper Basin service districts during nice summer days and extreme weather conditions that Alaska has to offer. The training provided good reminders when we are behind the wheel and provided great reminders as well as hands on activities to drive the points home. CVEA enjoyed the interactive and informative presentation and would highly recommend it to anyone that is looking to keep your team safer on the road.
Safety Manager
Middle TN Electric Membership Coop
Donna and Sharon, what an amazing response we had to your Defensive Driving Training! It was very encouraging to see how interactive and fun training can be. At the same time, the seriousness behind your message was one that made a great impact on our MTEMC team. Out of 200 surveys, we had 182 perfect scores. Every survey was very positive. Our intention is to always provide effective training and you delivered. There were many Ah Ha moments for our team.
MTEMC highly recommends this workshop. Well done! Thank you for making our team better drivers and our roads safer.
What an amazing response we had to your Defensive Driving Training! It was very encouraging to see how interactive & fun training can be. At the same time, the seriousness behind your message was one that made a great impact on our MTEMC team. Out of 200 surveys, we had 182 perfect scores. Every survey was very positive. Our intention is to always provide effective training & you delivered. There were many AH HA moments for our team.
MTEMC highly recommends this workshop. Well done! Thank you for making our team better drivers & our roads safer!
Owen Electric’s employees drive in excess of one million miles annually and distracted driving practices (by both our employees and the general public) creates an ever increasing safety risk. We recently had RightLane present at Owen Electric’s Safety Day and they did an excellent job communicating the importance of mitigating and eliminating behaviors responsible for most driving accidents. Their energetic and enthusiastic presentation style held everyone’s attention throughout the entire presentation. This was RightLane’s second time presenting at Owen and the response from our employees has been very positive.
Owen Electric Cooperative
Vice President, Member Relations
NTCA - The Rural Broadband Assoc.
Our Member Relations Division recently participated in two of RightLane’s training modules, “How Distraction-Free Focus Can Lead to Extraordinary Results” and “The Roads We Take, The Choices We Make.” Sharon and Donna tailored the training specifically for our group and delivered a presentation that was informative, engaging, and impactful for our team. We left the training with a different perspective on how to achieve outstanding results.
Each member of our team drives 25,000 to 30,000 miles each year. Donna and Sharon’s driving course was perfect for our team. It was informative and thought-provoking. We all agreed that utilizing this training could save lives. I recommend RightLane training for professional groups that need a fresh look at how they work.
Transportation Supervisor
Franklin Special School District
Donna and Sharon from RightLane recently presented a refresher course for our drivers as part of our back-to-school professional development. It is an understatement to say that I was very pleased with the product! In particular, their planning and attention to detail to personalize our training session was fantastic. Their presentation was interactive and multimedia, and their ability to keep the class interested and engaged is impressive. The feedback from my team was unanimously positive, and certainly helped contribute to a smooth and SAFE start to our school year. I will definitely be engaging RightLane again for defensive driving instruction.
Wiregrass Electric Cooperative
I would like to offer my support and recommendation to the RightLane organization. They presented their safety program to our entire employee group this past November and I was so pleased with what they did. They took a very serious message and made it fun and entertaining for our employees, while at the same time impressing on our group the important message of safe driving. Their approach to presenting this topic on safe driving is the best I have seen in my 24 years in the electric cooperative business.
I would highly recommend RightLane to any organization that needs to hear a safety message about driving. They are simply great at what they do and I have received so much positive feedback from our employees about their presentation and many of them actually thanked us for bringing them in to speak.
Lifelong friends have a chemistry that shows. These two ladies know how to hold a room simply with their easy banter and their rock solid training skills and current information. They know how to reach people at that right level. The level where an individual identifies and decides to change behavior.
Director of Operations
Franklin Transit Authority
Director of Safety & Training
Warren Rural Electric Cooperative
Driving is one of the most dangerous tasks we perform each day. Over 100 Warren RECC employees attended RightLane’s Defensive Driving presentations. Donna Bayless and Sharon Winter customized each presentation. At the conclusion of each session, a time of reflection enabled participants to determine specific actions in their commitment to change. Behavior modification action items included allowing more time to travel, patience, consideration of other drivers, putting down the cellphone, proper mirror adjustment, and slowing down. The interactive sessions were enlightening and illustrated how easily drivers become distracted even when intentionally concentrating. Donna and Sharon are professional presenters with the ability to illustrate safe driving skills in an entertaining and informative manner. RightLane certainly made a difference for each of our drivers!
Human Resources
Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative
Donna and Sharon spoke to our employees at our annual Employee Training Day. We have many DOT drivers who should be especially aware and alert on the road, but thought it would be good for all of our employees to hear their presentation. Donna and Sharon are very passionate about what they do, and it shows. I received more compliments about RightLane than I did any other presenter that day. These two energetic ladies are very engaging, keep the employees involved, and gave true-to-life, eye-opening examples and statistics. In today’s technology driven world, distracted driving is claiming more lives than ever. I would recommend RightLane to help bring this crisis to light and help train your people on ways to be a better defensive driver and hopefully save many more lives.
A. Marshall Family Foods
Donna and Sharon spoke to our management team at our annual Summit. Their talk was eye-opening and life-changing and reaffirmed that I should turn the notifications off on my phone. I realized all the noise isn’t necessary. I also committed to stay off social media for one month and have since remained much less attached. This saves me a tremendous amount of time with the additional bonus of being more present with my family.
In the office, I strive to work in time blocks as much as possible, going into "do not disturb" mode to focus on single tasks. With this approach, I definitely work smarter and more efficiently, freeing myself up for the rest of the day to visit our restaurants with less stress. Donna and Sharon have a mindful message that everyone should hear.
It has been my great pleasure to work with Sharon Winter and Donna Bayless with RightLane on several occasions! Their presentations for our Meeting Professionals International (MPI) Tennessee Chapter educational meetings are always highly attended and their post event survey scores are fantastic. They offer an interactive, fun and memorable presentation that is full of impactful takeaways for every participant.
Managing Partner
Specialty Planners International